German Family Photograph Album: The Album

Figure 1.--Here is the front page of the album. Inge's aunt and grandmother made it for her as a 10th birthday present. Apenrade was the name of the village.

Virtually every German family had a photograph album in the family parlor. Construction varied somewhat. This one had a fake crocodile cover and pages held together by string. The pgotographs of course varied, depending on the interest of the family. Not every family had a camera, but most did. Generally it was the father who was the photographer. The ablums in the 1930s were generally composed of heavy [aper on which photographs were pasted. They were mostly snapshots taken by the father, but other items may be included as well. The album her seems to be entirely family snapshots. The first page includes the dedication. The text is a little difficult to read. I believe it says, "Unserer lieben kleinen Inge zu ihrem 10. Geburtstage von Oma u. Tante Frieda dieses Büchlein sei zum Andenken an seine Kinderjahren u. an Apenrade. den 26.II.1934" That would translate as, "(To) our dear little Inge for her 10th birthday from Oma and Aunt Frieda this little book is in memory of her childhood and of Apenrade. Feb.26 1934" The German word Andenken means memory or souvenir. Apenrade is the name of the town. This of course tells us why there are so many photographs of the little girl in the album. Inge's aunt and grandmother made it for her as a 10th birthday present. Apenrade was the name of the village. Inge started school in 1930. We see her on vacation to Isle Föhr in 1931. We see her on abother vacation to Nieby onnthe Baltic Sea in 1934. There are also wonderful images with friends and fanily and birthday parties and Christmas.


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Created: 10:03 PM 11/5/2006
Last updated: 11:40 PM 11/5/2006