German Family Photograph Album: Parents

Figure 1.-- Here we see a couple which we beliece are the mother and father. Father seems to be a professional. They are pictured with two girls here so there seems to have been two daughters in the family. Perhaps brother took the snap shot. They seem to be enjoying a walk in the country side here. Put the cursor on the image for a look at a Christmas visit to the grandparents.

Here we see a couple which we beliece are the mother and father. Father seems to be a professional. Perhaps a teacher or lawyer. There are no clues other than they live in a comfortable, but no particularly affluent home. They are pictured with two girls here so there seems to have been two daughters in the family. Perhaps brother took the snap shot. They seem to be enjoying a walk in the country side here. We see many German snapshots like this with families enjoyong walks in the countryside. They seem to have been a very happy family. A nother family portrait I think shows a younger Inge with the grandparents.


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Created: 10:03 PM 11/5/2006
Last updated: 10:04 PM 11/5/2006