German Family (1960s)

Figure 1.--A HBC reader has provided us this portrait of a German family. We thought at first it might might be an American family. The younger brother wearing tights, I think confirms that the family is German. We are guessing they may be red in keeping with the season. Note the shade looks similar to the little girl's dress which is probably red. The portrait is undated, but looks like the 1960s to us.

A HBC reader has provided us this portrait of a German family. We thought at first it might might be an American family. The younger brother wearing tights, I think confirms that the family is German. We are guessing they may be red in keeping with the season. Note the shade looks similar to the little girl's dress which is probably red. The portrait is undated, but the children's clothes look like the 1960s to us. A reader writes, "The portrait definitely dates around mid-1960s. The mom wears stockings which were very populat at that time." Also the tights the children are wearing suggest that it was nit the 1859s. In addition, a 1970s portrait would have more likely have been done in color. The three boys wear matching plaid suspender shorts. We have noted short pants like that in America, but in Germany before. The fireplace also looks very American. The portrait looks like a holiday portrait with grandmother. Of course a more traditional setting for a German family portrait is in front of the Christmas tree.


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Created: 2:52 AM 4/20/2006
Last updated: 2:15 PM 4/20/2006