German Cold Weather Coats: Styles

Figure 1.--This German boy is dressed warmly for cold weather/ He seems to be about about 12-13 years old. Notice the warm Bavarian-style overcoat. He is apparently wearing short trousers underneath with long woolen stockings and high-top shoes. He also has a stocking cap to keep his head warm. I don't think he was going for a ride. He is orobably posing on his father's motorcycle. The photograph is undated, but we would guess the 1930s. The make of cycle is NSU--a legendary make.

The weather can get quite cold in Germany durng the winter. Thus we see boys wearing a variety of heavy cold-weather coats and jackets to keep warm in the cold weather. Coats and jackets are sometiumes used interchangeably. For organizational convenience we use coat to mean the longer styles o outerwear and jacket to mean the shorter styles. German boys had to have a coat or jacket of some time during the inter. There were several different coat styles, both full-length coats and shorter cut jackets. The various styles changed in popularity over time. We do not know a great deal about 19th century times. But we have quite a bit of information on 20th cntury styles. We note different styles of overcoats like the boy here wears. We also notice trench coat style gaberdine overcoats like the ones commonly worn by British school boys. There were both single and double-breasted styles. We also nitioce jackets which became increasingly popular as the 20th century progressed. Some jackets were done like naval pea coats. And we see coats dine like Bavarian (Alpine) jeckets. This was a destinctive German style. There were also a vatiety of coats for younger boys. We see ski jackets in the late-20th century.


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Created: 11:11 PM 8/23/2011
Last updated: 11:11 PM 8/23/2011