German Boys Footwear: Boots

Figure 1.--This German boy wears boots. Notice how his kneesocks are folded down so they look like ankle sock. We believe the photograph was taken in 1935. On the back is written "35". Image courtesy of Album1900.

We notice many German boys wearing boot-like shoes, but we don't note a lot of boys wearing boots in Germany. One exception here is the Wangervogel boys in the early 20th century. This is difficult to assess because boot-like shoes and boot in many photographic images are often difficult to differentiate. We do note more boys wearing boots in the 1930s, perhaps because of the Hitler Youth program. Our information, however,is still very limited. One fashion trend we note is boys folding their kneesocks down and cuffing them when wearing boots so they look more like ankle socks. We notice a few boys wearing wellies.


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Created: 7:11 PM 10/20/2004
Last updated: 9:44 PM 4/8/2009