German Boys Footwear: Clogs

Figure 1.--This German boy in the 1970s is going fishingwith his dog. Notice the clogs he is wearing. They were fine for a quiet activity like fishing, but not very useful for active games.

We notice a few German boys wearing clogs in the 1970s. As far as I know they ere onlyworn in the late 1960s and 1970s. I'm not sure what the Grman term is. We do not know how popularthey were. In America during the 70s, a few boys wore clogs, but they were more popular for girls. They were convenient in that they could easily be slipped onnd off. They were not, however, a very practical style for active boys to wea as they would fall off if the boy started to run. The clogs worn in america had leather tops and wooden soles. I assume the same was the case in Germany. The images we have noted come from West Germany. I do not kno if they were worn in East Germany.


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Created: December 3, 2003
Last updated: December 3, 2003