German Boys' Berets: Colors

Figure 1.--This little German boy looks to be on a family outing to a local park in the 1930s. He wears a white beret with his white sailor suit along with white socks and sandals.

We are not sure yet about the colors of the berets German boys wore. We have just begun to collect some information. A problem here is that almost all of our photographs are black and white. Agfa introduced color photography in German during the inter-Wat period, but it was not generally available to the German public. And berets were most popular in Germany during the early 20th century. Of course we can spot white berets fairly easy. We are not entirely sure if some children might have worn light colors. We don't think many boys did. Some younger boys wore white berets. Most school-age boys wore dark berets. Here we are not sure what the dark colors were. We suspect that they were mostly dark blue and black, but we are not entirely sure about this. The boy here wears a dark beret (figure 1). I'm not sure if it was black or dark blue. We also notice boys wearing white berets. A good example is German brothers in 1933.


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Created: 1:57 AM 5/1/2008
Last updated: 1:58 AM 5/1/2008