German Sailor Headwear: Gender Trends

Figure 1.--This brother and sister in theearly 20th century wear identiacal sailor caps.

Most headwear (hats and caps) worn by German children were gender specific. There were destinctive styles for both boys and girls. Also girls did bot wear caps like boys, but mostly wore hats. The major exception here is sailor-style headwear. We see boys and girls wearing the same styles of sailor caps and hats, although there are some differences. This reflects the trend in sailor suits in general. Both boys and girls wore sailor suits--although girls wore skirts instead of pants. I am not entirely sure about the chroinology here, but we certainly note German girls wearing sailor headwear and suits by the 1890s.


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Created: 7:28 PM 6/21/2005
Last updated: 7:52 PM 8/22/2018