German Sailor Caps: Accompanying Clothes

Figure 1.--Sailor caps were of course commonly worn with sailor suits. German boys almost always wore sailor caps or hats with sailor suits. The caps and hats were, however, often worn with a wide range of other outfits. Here a German boy in 1910 wears a soft cap with a plain blouse.

Sailor caps were of course commonly worn with sailor suits. German boys almost always wore sailor caps or hats with sailor suits. The caps and hats were, however, often worn with a wide range of other outfits. German boys (usually pre-teens) wore sailor caps with virtually every type of outfit. The outfits worn with saiolor capos did not have to have any sailor styling. The convention seems to have been that sailor caps were a standard boys' style and thus was suitable to be worn with any kind of boys' clothes. This included both suits and more casual outfits like blouses. These might be middy blouses but they were often blouses without any kind of sailor styling as well. We also see them being worn with coats.


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Created: 7:18 PM 2/21/2006
Last updated: 7:18 PM 2/21/2006