German Short Pants: Chronology--The 1960s

Figure 1.--Here we see two unidentified boys on some kind of outing during the 1960s, porobly the early-60s. Notice the trim, short cut styling.

Styles of short pants and conventions for wearing them chnged dramatically for German boys during the 1960s. We still see German boys wearing short pants in the 1960s, including when dressing up. This was still the case to ome extent during the early-60s. Some boys even wore short pants suits, mostly youngr boys. A concomitant trend was boys were increasingly wearing casual clothes. Suits in generl were becoming less common. Dressy shorts were, however, not nearly as common as in the 1950s. And by the end of the decade they were no longer very common. Shorter cut shorts became popular in the 1960s. Shorts wee cut high above the knee and trimly fitted. Knee-length shorts were no longr seen to any extent. This was part of a European-wide continental style. We mo longer see suspender shirts to any extent. Boy wore belted shorts. They were virtully universal, although shorts as the decade progressed become seen incr easigly as casual summer wear. We still see standard styles and not the athletic-styled shorts that began to appear in the1970s. We see more and more boys wearing long pants and by the end of the decade they were standard, especially during the winter. We see fewer boys wearing shorts to school in the early-60s and very few by the end if the decade. Some boys still wore knee socks which were formerly so common. Long stockings were no longer worn by boys, at least in West Germany. Ankle socks were becoming increasingly popular, even standard. We see some sandals and sneakers, but leather shies continued to be standard.


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Created: 2:31 AM 1/20/2015
Last updated: 2:31 AM 1/20/2015