German Boys' Clothes: Suspender Rompers--Usage

Figure 1.--The much more numerous snapshots show suspender rompers being worn as play garments. We see quite a number of such images. Here we see a mother with her son on a warm summer day (figure 1). The boy is wearing suspender rompers without a shirt, but with leathert shoes and socks. In this case the suspender straps are domne in the same material as the decorative trim rather than of the romperts themselves. The snap shopt is undatd, but looks like the early 1940s to us.

We note German boys wearing both dressy and play suspender rompers. The play rompers seem more common, but we see both types. The portraits taken in studios show them bring worn as dressy garments. This seems a dressy style for little boys. Most of the dressy rompers seem to date from the World War II occupation of France. There may jhave been some before, but most of these portraits of dressy rompers seem to date from 1940. The dressy rompers might be worn with fancy blouses. The French had to pay reparations to Germany and the unrealistic exchange rate imposed upon France made French goods very inexpensive in Germany. We suspect that the large quantirties of French clothing shipped to the Reich influenced German styles. On the previous we see a German boys wearing a dressy romper outfit with a fancy blouse after the War (figure 1). The much more numerous snapshots show suspender rompers being worn as play garments. We see quite a number of such images. Here we see a mother with her son on a warm summer day (figure 1). The boy is wearing suspender rompers without a shirt. It seems to have been a popular summer style for boys. As in France we do not see giorls wearing these romper outfits even for play. The boys might wear suspender rompers wihout shirtys, but we also see them being worn with a variety of shirts. The suspender involvedseem a p[art of the paomper pants and done in the same material. The age range seems roughly the same for both the dressy and play rompers.


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Created: 6:44 AM 5/8/2008
Last updated: 2:50 AM 10/1/2013