German Boys' Clothes: Garments--Shirt-like Garments

Figure 1.--This CDV shows a Dresden boy, probably during the late 1890s or early 1900s. The boys wears a blouse with a large lace and ruffled collar. We night not call it a Fauntleroy blouse because there is bo front ruffle. Notice that while he has a white outfit, he wears black long stickings. Also notice his hat. Click on the image for a fuller discussion.

There are several different basic types of shirt-like garments. These are shirt waists, shirts, and blouses. Shirt wausts did not have collars. There were basic destinctions in these garments. Blouses did not have tails. Shirts at girst had both collsars abd tails, but gradually the meaning changed. These destinctive types varied greatly in poplarity over time. Shirt waists and blouses were commonly worn in the 19th century. Shirts became the standard boy's garmednt in the 20th century. Here we might add a fourth type, casual shirts like T-shirts which did not have some of the basic shirt features Collars and tails), but by the time these casual shirts became popular, the meaning of shirt had evolved to basically any upper garment worn by boys. These different types were essentially the same as worn by boys in other European countries. While the types were essentially the same as worn throughout Europe, there were differences in the styling of these garments worn by German boys.


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Created: 6:25 PM 12/13/2006
Last updated: 6:25 PM 12/13/2006