German Boys' Clothes: Dresses--Dress Types

Figure 1.--This CDV has a rustic chair and setting. The horse whip helps desihnate the unidentified child as a boy. White dresses were very popular for little boy, in thid case a dress using 'brodie anglaise'. The portrait ws taken by W. Höffert. This CDV has a rustic chair and setting. The horse whip helps desihnate the unidentified child as a boy. White dresses were very popular for little boy, in thid case a dress using 'brodie anglaise'. The portrait ws taken by W. Höffert. Studios would have stocked a variety of props for portraits. The portrait is undates. We would guess it was taken in the 1880s, but we are not at all sure.

German boys wore a variety of dress types. The most common dress was the variously styles little white dresses for younger boys. Here we see a lacey dress for a little boy (figure 1). There were msany other types of dresses worn by boys. Here we do not have a lot of information because we do not know a lot about dresses, but as our German archive expands we hope to develop information on the various different dress types. Any information readers have on this subject would be apprecited.

White Dresses

German boys wore a variety of dress types. The most common dress was the variously styles little white dresses for younger boys. Here we see a lacey dress for a little boy (figure 1). These white dresses were done in many other styles.

Sailor Dresses

We note sailor outfits done in many types including kilt suits and tunics. Girlks might wear misdsly blouses with skirts. These outfits were quite common. Less common were actual sailor dresses. We see relatively few sailor dresses, especially sailor dresses worn by boys. We notice these dresses done both in traditional and non-tradiotional styles. We do not yet have a great deal of information on these sailor dresses as to the various styles employed. We are not sure yet when they first appeared. Our preliminary assessmemnt is the 1870s, but we can notvyet confirm this. They were worn by younger boys anbd girls of all ages.

Pinafore Dresses

We note dresses made to look like pinafores. Here we do not mean dresses worn with protective pinafores, but dresses made to look like ainafore. A feature here is the kind of flared extension over the shoulders rather than the puff sleeves more commo with dresses. We are not sure about the chromology of these pinafoire dresses. We see them in the 189os, butvthey may have appeared earlier.


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Created: 5:37 AM 4/19/2010
Last updated: 5:37 AM 4/19/2010