German Boys' Clothes: Suit Colors

Figure 1.--These unidentified German brothers from Kiel had their portraits taken in the 1920s. We are not sure what color the two suits were. A German reader has colorized the image with two possibilities. Click on the image to see the results. Let us know if you have any thoughts on what colors these suits might have been.

Our information about suit colors is very limiited. This because until about the 1970s most of the photographs we have collected or black and white images. We have a few catalog pages with some color information. Unfortunately our German catalog section is very limited. One 1935 catalog offers some insights into boys' suit colors. We can only guess about the color of the suits. Even the suits that look black may actually be some other dark color. We believe that the most common suit colors were black, blue, brown, grey and bluish grey. We can guess that sailor suits were generally shades of blue, but even here this was not always the case. We can not, however, be sure about the various suits in the vintage portraits archived on HBC. These unidentified German brothers from Kiel had their portraits taken in the 1920s (figure 1). We are not sure what color the two suits were. A German reader has colorized the image with two possibilities. Click on the image to see the results. Let us know if you have any thoughts on what colors these suits might have been. A German reader who grew up in the 1930s-40s tells us, "The colours in the image here look appropriate to me."


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Created: 12:47 AM 1/25/2006
Last updated: 12:47 AM 1/25/2006