German Cut-Away Jacket Suits: Garments

Figure 1.--THis unidentified Dresden boy wear a rather stylish three-piece cut-away jacket suit. His olain jacket is only decorated with buttons and cur longer than most of these jackets. The variatin in styling probably speaks to the fact that ready-made clothes were still not common. The vest is rather unusual as there are no front buttons. Notice the great horse toy. We are not sure about the date of this portrait. A German readers estimates the late-1880s. She adds, "The cardboard already hss signs of the 90s."

Cut-away jackets were most commonly done as suits. As with most suits, the name of the suit derives primarily from the style of the jacket. Many were three-piece suits with vests. They were worn both with and without vests. The three-piece suit vest option seems to have been the most common. Many of the cut-away jacket suits were three-piece suits made with matching or coordinted vests. There was When worn with vests the blouse was covered up except for the collar and the sleeve cuffs as in the outfit here (figure 1). You can hardly see the vest here. A Bremen boy wears a cut-away jacket showing more of the vest. Most were done with shortened-length pants, with knee pants or knickers. We note some Germany boys wearing very long-length pants. The boy here is a good example (figure 1). In many cases these suits were done with ankle-length pants. Shorter-length pants, often knee-length bloomer knickers, were much more common in other countries.


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Created: 1:57 PM 2/8/2008
Last updated: 1:57 PM 2/8/2008