German Suit Jackets: Tunic Transition

Figure 1.--Tunics were popular boys' garments in the early 19th century. We see in the mid-19th century garments that look somewhat like tunics, but cut shorter. We are not entirely sure just how to classify these garments. They seem to be a kind of transitional garment between tunics and the more modern jackers worn in the late 19th century. Here we see a Bremerhaven portrait, probably from the 1870s. Note the diagonal front cut. Also notice the great hobby horse.

Tunics were popular boys' garments in the early 19th century. We see in the mid-19th century garments that look somewhat like tunics, but cut shorter. Here we see a Bremerhaven portrait, probably from the 1870s (figure 1). A German reader tells us, "This is not an easy potrait to date. Probably the lady's dress is more useful than the boy's suit. I would say it was taken before 1885, some time during the late 1870s or early 80s." Note the diagonal front cut. This was a popular styling for tunics as well. We are not entirely sure just how to classify these garments. They seem to be a kind of transitional garment between tunics and the more modern jackers worn in the late 19th century. We also note a range of stylish jackets worn at the time. We are not sure just how period German catalogs and fashion garments desctibed these garments.


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Created: 7:33 PM 3/21/2007
Last updated: 2:13 AM 3/22/2007