German Fancy Suit Jackets for Other Boys: Other Styles

Figure 1.-- Suit jackets by the 20th century had become highly standardized. There were a relatively small number of styles. This was not the case in the 19th century, especially the mid-19th century. We notice younger boys wearing jackets with highly varied styling--often with piping and elaborate embroidery. This particular suit has a slight sailor influence. Notice the boy's hat on the chair. Image courtesy of the GP collection.

We note some suit jackets that are a little difficult to categorize. sone are suits with a hint of sailor styling. We note other fancy styles that are difficult to describe. Like the other styles of fancy suit jackets, these jackets were commonly worn with bloomer knickers, often with a stripe.


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Created: 2:43 AM 1/13/2006
Last updated: 2:43 AM 1/13/2006