German Short Pants Suits: Chronology--The 1950s

Figure 1.--Short pants suits continued to be common in Grmany during the 1950s, especially the early 50s. Here thee younger teens wear short pants suits and knee socks, we believe during the 50s. This became much less common in the 60s.

German boys continued to common wear short pants suits during the 1950s, although we see more long pants suits, esoecially during the winter. The economy had begun to recover, although money as still tight in the early-50s. Family budgets were still srained, but as the decade progessed, we see more boys wearing fahionable clothes and fewer children still going barefoot. We see boys wearing a variety of hosiery with short pants suits. For the first time we note ankle socks being commonly worn with short pants suits. We also knee socks and long stckings, although long stockings generally went out of style by the late-50s. We see more American fashions. Jeans were becoming popular. Younger teens still wore short pants suits in the 50s, at last the early-50s. We no longer see this commonly by the late-50s. Many boys still wore short pants suits in the 1950s, often with sports shirts or with an open collar. By the 1960s, boys were increasingly wearing long pants suits, although suits were being worn less than before as German boys increasingly turned to more casual fashions. We no longer see boys wearing long stockings for formality by the end of the decade. Some boys wore white knee socks for formality.


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Created: 12:21 PM 1/12/2014
Last updated: 12:21 PM 1/12/2014