German Short Pants Suits: Neckwear

Figure 1.--This German boy loks to have been photograohed in the mid-50s. He wears a casual plaid shirt that he has buttoned sat the collar. He seems to be wearing knee socks, but he has rolled then down.

We note German boys wearing short pants suits with a vsariety of neckwear. The most popular neckwear was neckties. we see some boys wearing string ties. Bowties were not very common. Many boys wore open-neck shirts like Schiller collar styles. Other boys wore both casual and dress shirts without neckwear, but buttoned their collars. While we see a lot of boys with shiller collars, if a shirt had a collar button, German boys often buttoned it. Presumably this was something that parents insisted on, which seems a little strange with a casual shirt.


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Created: 11:24 PM 6/17/2007
Last updated: 11:24 PM 6/17/2007