Greek Boys Garments: Footwear

Figure 1.-- Here we we see an Athenian mother and son on the Acropolis in the 1930s. The boy wears a sailor suit with strap shoes. Note the white socks. The photograph has a postcard back and a stamp box. Click on the image to see.

Children with shoes in the 19th century might wear oftern wore heavy boot-like shoes although boys frpm affluent damilies might wear more fashional footwear. There were also low-cut shoes. but our information is limited. In the 20th century children in rural areas still commonly often went barefoot through the 1940s. We both high-top and low-cut shoes. We also see boys and girls wearing strap shoes. They seem very commonly with children from well-to-do and middle-clas families. A good example is an unidentfied boy in 1930s family portrait. World War II and the Civil War caused emense economic dislocations. High-top shoes declined significantly during the 1930s. As the economy has improved, children less commonly went barefoot. Sandals since World War I have proven very popular and Greek children often wore them without socks. As the century progressed we see more and more children wearing shoes or sandals. We do not see sneakers until after World War II. Since the 1980s sneakers have become increasing popular. By the 1950s most children were wearing footwear. Shoes were increasingly common.


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Created: 5:21 AM 3/23/2019
Last updated: 5:21 AM 3/23/2019