Budapest Brothers: Garments--Pants

Figure 1.--This 1898 photograph shows the kneepnt and knickers worn by he boys. Note how the buttons on the kneepants go high up th pant leg. Also notic that the knickers are worn with socks and no long stockings. Image courtesy of the MD collection.

The boys wear several different kinds of pants. After breeching the boys appear to have worn various kinds of pants. The younger boys wear kneepants and knickers. I am not sure if there were age destinctions her or just different styles. Both kneepants and knickers appear to have been fashionble in Hungary at the turn-of-the century. The kneepants have the distictive three button trim at the knee hem, but one image shows the buttons extending well up the leg. We also notice the boys wearing bloomer knickers. We are not positive that there are age conventions here as we notice boys wearing jkicker bloomers at age 7. We notice boys both younger and older wearing kneepants. I do not notice them wearing short pants. The older boys wear long pants beginning around 12 years of age. This could be related to entered military school where the wore long pants. At least to of the boys attended ilitary school. Creases do not appear on the boys' pants until after the turn of the 20th century. We only have formal portraits of the boys. We are not sure of what kinds of pants they wore for play or in more casual circumstances.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 18, 2002
Last updated: April 18, 2002