Budapest Brothers: Garments--Sailor Suit Types

Figure 1.--This photograph probably taken in 1902. It shows Pisti at age 11 years old, presumably before he ntered military school. Viki is about 7 years old and wears a matching sailor suit. Note the bloomer knickers. Villy was only 3 years old. He wears a dress, but it is styled like the sailor suits of his older brothers. Image coutesy of the MD collection.

The boys wore quite a few different types of sailor suits. Some look familiar to styles that were worn throughout Europe and others seem to have destinctive Hungarian styling. We also notice the boys wearing a variety of other garments with various elements of sailor styling, such as sailor hats. We notice the boys wearing both white and blue sailor suits. One suit was all white without any stripes or detailing. The white middy blouse was worn with black pants, but they may have had white pants as well. Another suit was blue with traditional stripe styling. While some of the outfits had traditional middy blouse styling. Another style was a short jacket held togther with a little strap closure. This and variations of it were a common outfit for the boys. While the boys wore several different styles of sailor suits, we do not see suits using the three-stripe traditioinal styling so common in other European and American sailor suits. We are not sure if this was the general trend in Austrian sailor suits or just the preferences of the boys' mother.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 18, 2002
Last updated: April 20, 2002