Italian Boys' Religious Clothes: Our Lady Day

Figure 1.--This is clearly a religious procession, but I am not sure what the occassion is. It could be First Communion. but I do not understand why only one boy is doing his First Communion. The photogrph looks to have been taken in the late 1950s. A Catholic reader writes, "This procession looks to me more like one held at Corpus Christi than a First Communion. The canopy carried in the background that covers either the holy communion or in this case a figure of a saint makes this very clear to me. The boy in white suit would be a child carrying flowers (like girls do as well) and not a First Communion participant.

This is clearly a religious procession, but I am not sure what the occassion is. It could be First Communion. but I do not understand why only one boy is doing his First Communion. The photogrph looks to have been taken in the late 1950s. A Catholic reader writes, "This procession looks to me more like one held at Corpus Christi than a First Communion. The canopy carried in the background that covers either the holy communion or in this case a figure of a saint makes this very clear to me. The boy in white suit would be a child carrying flowers (like girls do as well) and not a First Communion participant. A reader tells us, "Yes, HBC is quite correct. This is not a first communion procession. Rather it is a Lady Day--one of the several holy days devoted to Our Lady, who seems to be the statue carried in procession under the canopy. It might be the feast of the Assumption (August 15th) which is a likely time for the boy wearing the white suit and carrying the flowers."


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Created: 6:23 PM 3/1/2005
Last updated: 6:23 PM 3/1/2005