*** Italian Games--Mosca Cieca/Blind Man's Buff

Italian Games--Mosca Cieca/Blind Man's Buff)

Italian blind man;s buff>
Figure 1.-- Thi Mosè Bianchi painting shows Italaian childtrn playing mosca cieca in the streets. This was possibkle because the streets before the 20th century were not made for cars.

Mosca cieca (blind man's buff) is one of many variations of tag. Tag games are mostly played by children and they can be rather raucous. As a result, they commonly have to be played outdoors. Some like mosca cieca (blind man's buff) can also be played indoors. In fact it was a popular adult parlor game for some time. Mosca cieca is a perenial favorite and played in many differernt countries, albeit with different names. It is believed to have had Greek and Roman origins. We do not know much about the game in Italy. We see genre paiunings depicting children playing, including examples by Francesco Barzaghi in Milan (1878) and Mosè Bianchi also active in Milan at about the same time (figure 1). This provides some detals as to how the game has been played in Italy. It was a game that cold be played in smart salons, middle class homes and in the street by children of all classes. We note it is stillmplayyed by children in modern Italy on school play groinds or at parties.


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Created: 9:48 PM 3/29/2024
Last updated: 9:48 PM 3/29/2024