* Italian boys clothes -- folk costumes Sardinia

Italian Boys' Clothes: Folk Costumes--Sardinia

Figure 1.--This is an example of folk costuming in Cabras, a Sardinian costal village. We are not sure what this group is, it looks to be a family group, probably photigraphed about 2000.

We have some examples of traditional Sardinian clothes. They were commonly worn in rural areas if Italy through the early 20th century. Today these clothes are worn only for special events and at folk festivals. There are some differences (color, embroideries) in each village. In hinterland villages they wear boots, in sea-side villages (especially in Cabras) they go barefoot.

Ulassai (1914)

Here we see the Chillotti family in 1914. They lived in Ulassai, a mountain village in Sardinia. The parents wear the traditional clothing. Nowadays these clothing are worn only in folk festivals, but then were still worn in daily life, especially in little villages. Probably this is a shepherd family.

Torpè (1970s)

Torpè is surrounded by beauriful beaches and the charming port of Olbia on the eastern Sardinian coast. We can see an elderly man wearing the traditional folk costume with his grandchild. We can look at this photo as one of the last examples of Sardinian people wearing the traditional clothing in everyday life, not for some special event or celebration.

Cabras (about 2000)

Here we see modern villagers dressing up in their destinctive folk costuming. The image here shows men and boys in Cabras (figure 1). In sea-side villages like Cabras the folk costumes involve barefeet.


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Created: March 2, 2004
Last updated: 5:07 AM 4/19/2020