Italian Boys' Clothes: Hair Styles--Specific Styles

Figure 1.--This unidentified Italian family had two boys about 2-5 years old. The younger boy apparently did not have enough hair to style yet. His older brother who does not look like he is old enough eto begin school yet has page boy bangs. The portrait is undated, but looks like the 1890s. The studio was Bernardo Pastaf in Torino. The city in English is Turin, an important business and cultural center in northern Italy.

We know of no destinctive Italian harr styles. Rather we see the same basic styles popular in continental Euirope. We notice a range of popular styles for younger boys. Styles like long hair and curls were common for yonger oys from affluet families, many of the same styles we see in Americaa and other European countries. We have no historical information on hair styles for Italian boys. We also notice boys with bangs, somw with Dutch boy cuts and hair at the sides to the ears or even over the ears. We see one boy with bangs were think in the 1890s. Of course this was not possible to do nanhs with boys who have cropped hair. We do not have many 19th century images yet and have nuch more infomation on the 20th century. We notice a lot of school-age boys with very short cropped hair in the late-19th and early-20th century. This was fairly common in continental Europe. It geberally began going out of style after Workd War I (1914-18). We see more boys with bangs after the war and fewer boys had cropped hair. We notice many comable styles by the 1930s.


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Created: March 18, 2003
Last updated: 4:28 AM 8/12/2017