Italian Minority Groups: Gypsies--History

Figure 1.--Here we have a repreentation of Gypsies dating to 1660. It is in a santuary near Varese (the Sacro Monte - Holy Mountain) where there is a great representation with statues of the crucifixion. In the scene there is also a group of Gypsies. That is due to a popular legend. According this legend the Romans wanted crucify Jesus with four nails, but a Gypsy stole one of them. So Jesus was crucified with only three nails. The statues were crafted by Dionigi Bussola (1615–87).

There is some historical information on the arrival of Gypsies in Italy. There is a document from a Venitian court ordering to a group of people to leave the city (1283). It could be the first evidence of Gypsies in Italy, but we cannot be sure about that. It seems a bit early for Gypsies in Europe. It is not impossible, however, we know there were Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and they could have come to Italy by sea. Another source affirms the presence of Gypsies in Abruzzo (1390). We have substantiated evidence of a group of Gypsies who came from Germany (1423). They arrived in Bolonia and Rome. [Italian Encyclopedy Treccani]. We have a representation of Gypsies (1660). It is in a santuary near Varese (the Sacro Monte - Holy Mountain) where there is a great depiction with statues of the crucifixion (figure 1). In the scene there is also a group of Gypsies. That is due to a popular legend. According this legend the Romans wanted crucify Jesus with four nails, but a Gypsy stole one of them. So Jesus was crucified with three nails. The statues are by Dionigi Bussola (1615–87). We are not sure why so few Gypsies settled in Italy until recent years. We suspect it had something to do with the Papacy which in the medival era and until Italian unification (1860s) controlled Rome and much of central Italy. There were persecution of Gypsies in Italy for centuries.


Italian Encyclopedy Treccani.


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Created: 4:21 AM 6/19/2018
Last updated: 4:21 AM 6/19/2018