Sardininia: Festival of Saint Salvatore at Cabras

Figure 1.-- the festival of Saint Salvatore at Cabras. This is a village located along the eastern coast of Sardinia. Here we see the festival which takes place on the first weekend of September each year. The festival is called "Corsa degli scalzi" (i.e. barefoot people's run). Click on the image for another photograph from the festival.

An Italian reader tells us about the festival of Saint Salvatore at Cabras. This is a village located along the eastern coast of Sardinia. Here we see the festival which takes place on the first weekend of September each year. The festival is called "Corsa degli scalzi" (i.e. barefoot people's run). On Saturday many young people and boys begin running the statue of Saint Salvatore in the village church to a little church in the country. I'm no sure why they go to thich country church. On Sunday they bring back the statue. The young people and boys wear a white smock and go barefoot. The festival's origin is not known with any surity, but the barefoot people's run is an ancient tradition of Cabras inhabitants. Some legends attempt to explain the origin and the meaning of bare feet. We must remember, however, that Cabras was a fishing village and until the early 1900s inhabitants went barefoot all year round.


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Created: 5:07 AM 11/14/2005
Last updated: 5:07 AM 11/14/2005