Guatemalan Garments

Figure 1.-- Here we see well-to-do Guatemalan children probably in the 1910s preforming a dance or play demonstration at a school function with the parents invited. The children are all dressed up for the event. The girls wear perky wjite dresses and the boys smart sailor suits. Notice how most of the children areof European ncestry.

The clothing worn by Guatemalan children until recently varied by social class and ethnicity. The upper-class is Guatemala was largely, but not entirely of European ancestry. The middle-class was more mixed compose of people of Europan and mestizo ancestry. The lower-class is composed of mestizo and Amer-Indian ancestry. Guatemala has one of Latin American's largest Amerindian populations in percentage terms. The ethnic component is, however, less purely racial than is the case in the United States. Culture is an even more important factor than race. An Indian speaking Spanish and wearing European clothes can eaily enter the middle class. Upper and affluent middle-class children wore Western styles. The clothing was indestinguishable stylish European dress. This was the case throughout Gutelmalan history since the Conquest until after World War II. The actual garments involved varied chronologically depending on the twist and turns of mostly European fashion. Guatemala had the strongest cultural ties wih Spain, but commercial contacrs ith several European countries nd the United states. Lower-class Guatmalans wore second-hand European garments, campesino clothing, and Indian clothing. Urban children wore more of a mix. The children in the contryside were more likely to wear campesino and Indian clothing.


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Created: 8:40 AM 12/10/2017
Last updated: 8:40 AM 12/10/2017