Uruguyan Boys' Chronology

Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows six rather sombery dressed children, bith boys and girls. They look to be about 3-14 years of age. So we have a good look at popular 19th century styles for different gender and age groups. THe girls wear dresses. The two older boys wear cut-away jackets. The younger boy wears a skirted garment with knee pants. We are not sure wether to describe the garment as a smock or tunic. Notice that long pants were still standard, but were becoming stylish for younger boys. The middle boy has pants just above the ankle. This seems to be the beginning of the acceptance of knee pants and not out-grown items. The CDV is undated, but we would date it to the 1870s. The studio was Fotografia Calle del Cerro in Montevideo.

Our Uruguayan archive is very limited. We have begun to archive sime images, but there are so few that we can noy even begin to make chromlogical assessments. The only comment we can make at this time is that the images abd styles look very European. As in neighboring Argentina, Italy seens to have been an important influence. Hopefully our Uruguayan readers wll assist us develop this section.


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Created: 7:51 AM 7/20/2012
Last updated: 7:51 AM 7/20/2012