The Netherlands: 1950s Styles

Figure 1.-- This photograph was taken in Amsterdam during April or May 1959. Dutch boys in the 1950s still wore short pants, but long pants by the end of the decade had become much more common. We wonder if the one boy is wearing corduroy shorts. Note the destinctive sneakers. The one boy's sweater looks hand knitted.

Knit outfits were popular for younger boys in the late 1940s an 1950s. Rather modern looking shirts were worn, in a range of colors. Some boys wore white shirts, but many wore brightly checkered colored shirts. Sweaters were very popular, especially sleeveless sweaters. A lot of sweaters were hand knitted, but the increasing prosperity mean that a lot of sweaters by the end oif the decade were store brought. Knickers were still worn in the early 1950s, but by the mid-50s had began to disappear. During the 1950s boys still commonly wore shorts, although long pants became increasingly common in the winter months. Quite a range of shorts were worn, from brief cut shorts to very longs ones--often purchased by mother to allow for growth. The shorter cut shorts became more popular during the decade. Some boys still wore suspender shorts, but these were becoming less popular, except for younger boys. Boys still commonly wore kneeesocks. Patterened kneesocks seem to have been popular at the beginning of the decade. The patterned kneesocks were more populr for the boys than the girls. Some were still knitted by grandmother. Long over tge knee tockings went out of style during the 1950s, especially for boys. Even kneesocks became less common, in part because more boys were wearing long panbts during the winter. weLeather shoes or sandals were still common. Sneakers became more common, but were not yet a fashion statement. HBC is debating as to weater one 1950s image is Dutch or English.


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Created: September 9, 2003
Last updated: September 9, 2003