Dutch Family Chronology: Unidentified Family (Early-1950s)

Figure 1.-- Here we see another Dutch family scene in 1950 or 51. It is a colorized image. It looks like the family may have taken the grand kids to vist their grand parents out in the country duringvthe summer. Thevbioys both wear short psts with knee socks. The younger boy wears suspender shorts.

Here we see another Dutch family scene in 1950 or 51. It is a colorized image. It looks like the family may have taken the grand kids to vist their grand parents out in the country duringvthe summer. Thevbioys both wear short psts with knee socks. The younger boy wears suspender shorts.


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Created: 7:58 PM 8/26/2010
Last updated: 7:59 PM 8/26/2010