Figure 1.-- |
There are several different words for smocks in Dutch. Thus the translation is somewhat complicated. Smocks are called "kiel" in Dutch. The short smock worn by peasants are called "boerenkiel" (kiel=smock for boeren=peasants). There are also less commonly referred to as "boezeroen". The etimology of the Dutch term shows that smocks were largely associated with peasant clothing and rural areas. It is in the rural areas of the Netherlands that smocks were the most widely worn. The longer longer variant worn by the little boy are called a "jak". "Schort" is another Dutch word that could be used for school smock. There are some regional differences.
The shortsmock worn by peasants are called "boerenkiel" (kiel=smock for boeren=peasants). There are also less commonly referred to as "boezeroen". The etimology of the Dutch term shows that smocks were largely associated with peasant clothing and rural areas. It is in the rural areas of the Netherlands that smocks were the most widely worn.
The longer longer variant of a boerenkiel worn by the little boy are called a "jak".
There are several different words for smocks in Dutch. Thus the translation is somewhat complicated. Smocks are called "kiel" in Dutch. A Dutchman (or Flemish) would not refer to a schoolboy's smock with "boerenkiel" since that would imply that it's being worn by a farmer. The word used most often in Holland would be "kiel" or the diminutive "kieltje". The plurals are "kielen" and "kieltjes".
"Schort" is another Dutch word that could be used for school smock. There is a regional difference. It is indeed used more often in
Flanders than in Holland. The reverse is true for kiel. Schort also means apron, with the same frequency in both countries. The plural of schort is "schorten". "Schortjes" is the plural of "schortje", the diminutive of schort.
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