Rien Poortvliet: Dutch Treats

Figure 1.--Rien had trouble with his wooden sandals, but liked the metal inserts on his soles. He was a bit dubious about some of the items his mother knitted for him. He didn't care much for wool knit bathing trunks.

Rien Poortvliet is an aclaimed Dutch artist. We note that he wrote a wonderful account of his childhood growing up in the Netherlands entitled Dutch Treats. It includes a section on the World War II era. The book is especially interesting to HBC because he describes his childhood clothing in some detail. He had definite likes and dislikes. He wore a white sailor suit as a boy. He didn't like long stockings. Rien had trouble with his wooden sandals, but liked the metal inserts on his soles. He was a bit dubious about some of the items his mother knitted for him. He also dodn't like woolen knit bathing suits. There is an English addition with a traslation by Maria Milne. HBC readers would find the book an interesting read and we suggest that you order a copy from your book store or ask for it at your local library. Poortfliet may be one of the best modern painters of animals and humans. The illustrations shown here are a delight, but he has also done some wonderful paintings.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 16, 2002
Last updated: August 17, 2002