Austrian Hosiery: Types--Knee Socks

Figure 1.--This Austrian boy about 1960 wears argyle knee socks. Patterened knee sovks became popular after World War II.

Knee socks became very common in Austria after world War I in the 1920s similkarly to trends in Germany. Both boys and girls wore them. Short pants also became very common for boys after World War I, although the lengths for some time looked rather like knee pants. Children mostly wore either long stockings or knee socks, commonly on a seasonal basis. Gradually knee socks became increasingly common, althoufgh long stockings were still widely worn until well after World War II. Boys very commonly wore knee socks in the 1920s-30s. We mostly notice solid colored socks. The black and white photography of the day makes it difficult to assess actual colors. We think grey was very common. We do not notice boys wearing black knee socks to any extent. White knee socks were sometines worn when dressing up. Knee socks were were still commonly worn after World War II in the 50s. We see patterened knee socks more commonly after the War. We note a variety of patterns such as argyles. We begin to see both short pants and knee socks declining in popularity during the 1960s. As short pants became more of a casual, summer garmen and boys increasingly wore long pants dy\uring the winter, knee socks declined sharply, at least among boys. Girls continued to wear them which probably further reduced the populaeity with boys.


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Created: 6:48 PM 7/21/2009
Last updated: 6:16 PM 9/29/2016