** Argentne ethnicity

Argentine Ethnicity

Figure 1.--This 1878 portrait shows Amerindins from the Tehuelches tribe, they are Luis, Batzinka y Pikshoshe son. They lived in Tierra del Fuego in far southerbn rgentin. They were taken through Punta Arenas in Chile to be exhibited in German circuses (Hamburg and Dresden).

Argentina has a popultion primarily made up of European ethnicity based on self idetification. (85 percent). Here the two most importnt groups are Spanish and Italian. The only other importnt group is Amerindian and Mestizo (10 percent). There is a small Arab population (3 percent). This means that Argentina is one of several countries of relatively recently arrived populations. The number and composition of the population was stable until after passing a constitution (1853), the government launched a campaign to attract Europeans to help populate the country. The European at first Spanish population are all immigrants that began arriving in the 16th century. The Italian population only began arriving in numbers much later (late-19th century). But Argentina has the second highest number of immigrants (6.6 million), second only to the United States (27 million). Argentina has more immigrants than counries more commonly associated with (Australia, Brazil, and Canada). While the European ethnic group is primarily Spanish and Italian, but there are smaller groups from most European countries. Argentina is not a country that normally comes to mind when one thinks of immigration. he second highest number of immigrants, with 6.6 million, second only to the United States with 27 million, and ahead of such other immigratory receptors such as Canada, Brazil and Australia. There has been immigration from neighboring countries, specially Paraguay which has added to the Amerindian component. Interestingly, DNA studies show a much higher Amerindian component that self-identification statistics.


Here the two most importnt groups are Spanish and Italian. This means that Argentina is one of several countries of relatively recently arrived populations. The number and composition of the population was stable until after passing a constitution (1853), the government launched a campaign to attract Europeans to help populate the country. The European at first Spanish population are all immigrants that began arriving in the 16th century. The Italian population only began arriving in numbers much later (late-19th century). But Argentina has the second highest number of immigrants (6.6 million), second only to the United States (27 million). Argentina has more immigrants than counries more commonly associated with (Australia, Brazil, and Canada). While the European ethnic group is primarily Spanish and Italian, but there are smaller groups from most European countries. Argentina is not a country that normally comes to mind when one thinks of immigration. he second highest number of immigrants, with 6.6 million, second only to the United States with 27 million, and ahead of such other immigratory receptors such as Canada, Brazil and Australia.


The only other importnt group is Amerindian and Mestizo (10 percent). There has been immigration from neighboring countries, specially Paraguay which has added to the Amerindian component. Interestingly, DNA studies show a much higher Amerindian component that self-identification statistics. [Corach] Amerindian tribal groups include the Tobas, Aymaras, Guaraníes and Mapuches, and others. They re still clinging on to their cultural roots, but are under great pressure from larger Argrbtine society, especually religious and language pressure. Argentine Amnerindians in the north speak Quechua adopted in part after they were conquered by the Inca Empire, that reached as far south a Tucumún in northern Argentin. The language was further adoted as part of teachings in Spanish Catholic missions who came to Argentina from from Spnish colonial Peru which include Bolivia. Norther Argentina is today's Santiago del Estero Province. The language is rapidly disappearing. The National Institute for Statistics and Census published 'The Survey on Indigenous Populations' which indicates there are only 600,329 people who see themselves as Amerindians. That would be only 1.5% of Argentina's population. [International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs] DNA studies, however, show a very substantial Amnerindian component.


There is a small Arab population (3 percent).


Corach, Daniel. "Inferring Continental Ancestry of Argentineans from Autosomal, Y-Chromosomal and Mitochondrial DNA," Annals of Human Genetics Vol. 74, (SEptember 15, 2009), pp. 65-76.

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. "Indigenous Peoples in Argentina".


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Created: 2:08 AM 11/18/2018
Last updated: 2:08 AM 11/18/2018