Argentine Families: Riddering Family (1900)

Figure 1.--Here we see the Riddering family in Bahia Blanca about 1900. The parents were Dutch immigrants. Both boys are dressed in identical sailor suits.

Most immigrants to Argentina came from Italy to Spain, but there were also smaller number of immigrants from many other European countries. A Dutch reader tells us that a branch of his family immigrated to Argentina in the late 20th century. Sailor suits were a popular style for boys in both the late 19th century and the early 20th century. The two boys, his uncles, both wear identical sailor suits. The boys look to have very close-cropped hair. The portrait was taken in Bahia Blanca far south of fashionable Buenos Aires. The portrait was taken about 1900. We initially thought it was older. A HBC reader writes, "I believe this picture was taken in 1899 or 1900. My grandparents went to Argentina in 1885. The three brothers of my mother were born there. My mother's maiden name was Riddering. My grandfather, the one who went to Argentina, was Cornelis Jan Riddering. My grandfather, Cornelis Jan Riddering, was Dutch. His wife, Emma Noack, was German. Three of my uncles were born in Argentina: Jorge, Gustavo and Erich. My mother was born in Berlin, 1903, because the family returned to Europe. In 1918 they again settled in the Netherlands. I believe that my grandparents were part of the German community in Bahia Blanca (where they lived). My grandfather spoke Spanish, but his wife always spoke in German, even later in Holland. My mother was born in Berlin in 1903. Her father was from Groningen, The Netherlands. Her mother from Cottbus, Germany. They got married in Jassy, Romania. Indeed, my family DID get around. My grandparents returned to Holland from Berlin in 1919. My mother got married in 1922. Two brothers stayed in Germany, the youngest one went to Indonesia. All their children went to live in Holland after 1945, because they always kept their Dutch citizenship."


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Created: 11:43 PM 11/17/2004
Last updated: 8:02 PM 10/7/2009