Argentine Immigration: Countries--Germany

Figure 1.--This is the Kaspar Mueller family in 1908. They were Volga Germans. We are not sure when they emigrated to Argentina. After the outbreak of World War I qnd the the subsequent Bloshevik Revolution, the Volga Germans were no longer to emigrate.

Germans are an important part of the Argentine ethic mix. Here we are talking about ethnic Germans which include immigrants from the many German communities located outside the German empire which only came into existence in 1871. Some of these people were ethnically German, but varied culturally. One such group was the Volga Germans from Russia. Most German emigration to Argentina occurred after the creation of the German Empire. The initial German emogration to South America was largely to Brazil and Chile. Subsequently German emigrants began reaching Argentina. We are not entirely sure why Germans chose South America rather than North America. Of course in the late-19th century, the political and economic future of North and South America was not altogether clear. We suspect that religion was a factor and that many Germans immigrats to South america were Catholic. Today in Argentina, Germans constiture the third largest ethnic group in Argentina. Over 2 million Argentines have Volga German ancestors and this is of course is only part of the vGerman immigrant commi\unity. Germans make up an important part of the country's professionals and technicians (doctors, bureaucrats, teachers, sciebtusts, and soldiers). Germans have influenced the Argentine education system. Immigrants founded a number of schools. German immigrants in the late-19th and early-20th century were convinced that Argentina was industrializing and would become a modern country on the level of European nations. Buoyed by export sales to Europe during World War I, this almost occurred. Ecinomists debate why it did not occur. Many focus on the popularist policies which undermined the private sector.


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Created: 6:53 PM 10/7/2009
Last updated: 6:53 PM 10/7/2009