Indian Hinduism: Clothing

Figure 1.--All Hindu temples prohibit footwear. Usually it is sufficient to remove ones footwear when entering a temple. At this temple in Kerala, visitors have to wear traditional clothing. Women and girls must wear saris. Men and boys can wear only the lungi, as we can see for these brothers that usually wear western-style clothing.

We do not know of any specifical Hindu clothing. Clothing does, however, have a role. Hindu priests in the temple wear only the basic dhoti. And we notice pilgrims also wearing the dhoti, but this is basically traditional clothing rather than specifivally religious dress. All Hindu temples prohibit footwear. Usually it is sufficient remove the footwear. Some temples have special, destinctive rules. This generally related to wearing traditional clothing rather than Western dress. Women and the girl may have to wear the sari. The men and the boys can wear only wear the lungi.


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Created: 9:41 PM 10/30/2009
Last updated: 9:41 PM 10/30/2009