Indian Islam: Schools

Figure 1.--These two Muslim Indian children are goind to school in northern India. The hats they are wearing suggest that they probably attend a madrassa. Note that their sister is not with them. Hopefully Indian readers can tell us more.

We are not entirely sure about the role Islam plays in Indian education. Here there ate two primary issues. First is the Muslim children in statecschools and second the Muslim children in madrasas of Islamic religios schools. We think that most Muslim children attend secular state schools. We are unsure if there are performance difference between Hundu and Muslim children. There seems to be a reluctance of many Muslim parents to send their girls to school, especially after the first few years of primary school. This reluctance appears to have weakened in recentyears to a degree, but we do not yet have precise statistical data. Because of residentuial patterns, there are many state schools with largely Muslim children. In addition to the state system, there are about 30,000 madrasas in India. In some countries madrasahs are schools that provide religious instruction after regular school or in the weekend. In India, the madrasahs appear to be primarily an alternstive to regular state education. We think that most of the students at Indian madrasas are boys, but we do not yet have statistical data. We do not know if the the madrasahs receive state funds. The Indian Government is planning to establish a Central Madrasa Board to oversee the educational program. The madrasas focus on Koranic education. This of course affects the ability of the students to obtain good paying jobs or pursue higher education, other than in relgious studies. The Government would like the madrasas to expand teaching in mathematics, sciences, computers and other areas. We do not yet have details, but suspect the teaching of history varies substantially in the state schools and madrasas. Hopefully our Indian readers will be able to tell us more.


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Created: 10:01 PM 3/3/2011
Last updated: 10:01 PM 3/3/2011