Mexican Children's Games: La Gallina Ciega

Figure 1.-- Here we see the girls playing La Galinna Ciega. This means the blind hen. It suggests a game where every one runs around helter skelter. Which is what we seem to see in the image. There seems to a rough circle with one girl inside. Just what the rules are we do not know, but the girls certainly do seem to be having a good time playing. Notice that they are clapping as they move around the circle. They may be singing or chanting as well.

Here we see the girls playing La Galinna Ciega. This means the blind hen. The photographe has mispelled blind as 'siega'. But we believe he or she meant ciega. They are pronounced the same in Spanish. This suggests a game where every one runs around helter skelter. Which is what we seem to see in the image. There seems to a rough circle with one girl inside. Just what the rules are we do not know, but the girls certainly do seem to be having a good time playing. Notice that they are clapping as they move around the circle. They may be singing or chanting as well.


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Created: 11:19 PM 1/30/2018
Last updated: 5:45 AM 1/31/2018