Mexican Children's Games: El ?ornberito

Figure 1.-- This photograph is entiteled El ?ornberito. We are not sure what the first letter is. The rest is fairly plain. It means the small something, but ith out the first letter we are not sure what the small thing is. Perhas it is something like the little sleeping person. Perhaos readers can make it out. We will link he back of the photo to the figure. The boys are playing the game. All of the actions is focused on the boy bending over. The other boys all seem to be touching him. Presumably he is the 'it' boyyin a jind of tag game. What we don't know is what happens next, but we are guessing at some point the boy bent over is going to chase the oher boys. We assume the boys playing are touching the boy bent over so he it boy has a real chance to tag them. Put your cursor pn the image to see the writing on the back.

This photograph is entiteled El ?ornberito. We are not sure what the first letter is. The rest is fairly plain. It means the small something, but ith out the first letter we are not sure what the small thing is. Perhas it is something like the little sleeping person. Perhaos readers can make it out. We will link he back of the photo to the figure. The boys are playing the game. All of the actions is focused on the boy bending over. The other boys all seem to be touching him. Presumably he is the 'it' boyyin a jind of tag game. What we don't know is what happens next, but we are guessing at some point the boy bent over is going to chase the oher boys. We assume the boys playing are touching the boy bent over so he it boy has a real chance to tag them. Tag of course is a game played in many different countries.


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Created: 8:28 PM 1/30/2018
Last updated: 8:28 PM 1/30/2018