** Pakistan geography

Pakistani Geography

Figure 1.--Here we have a look at the Pakistani monsoon in Karachi. The caption read, "Fun Rains: A flood is no catastrophe for these kids frolicking in a street in Karachi, Pakistan. Though a monsoon dumped five inches of rain on the city and inundated part of it, the yongsters are happy in their swiiming pool. Older residents got relef too, for the storm nroke a two-week hot spell." The ohotograph is dated, July 29, 1958.

Pakistan lies along the northeast Arabian Sea, the western arm of the Indian Ocean. The country in the north reaches to the Paamirs and Hindukush. The country is built around the rivers that runs down from these mountains to the Arabian Sea. This means the Indus River and its tributaries. The Indus of course is the river than gave India ts name. The Indus is was one of the four great river valleys that gave rise to civilization, in this case Harappan civilization. Much of the land that the Indus runs through is arid. Pakistan may look small on the maps compared to larger neigbors, but is considerably larger than mostly European countries. The major regions are: 1) the western offshoots of Himalayas divided into several smaller regions (north), 2) the Balochistan plateau (west), 3) The Punjab, and 4) the Sindh (south). The Indus plain which cuts through the center of the country is the most fertile and densely populated area of the country. The Indus empties ino the Arabian Sea near Karachi, the country's largest city. Pakistan has a varied climate, primarily based on alditude. The moutaneous north covers north and north western high ranges. The climaate is cold in the winter with very pleasant summer temperatures (April-September). The plains created by Indus valley can be very hot in summer with a cold and dry during winter. The southern coastal strip has a moderate climate. There is generally low precipitation rates throughout the country. Pakistan relies on the Indus running down from the mountains for its rivers. The rains that feed the Indus and its tributaries are monsoonal aand heaviest late in summers. The monsoon is the seasonal wind of southerrn Asia blows from the southwest in summer, bringing heavy rains, and from the northeast in winter. The towering Himalayas block the wind and catches the humidiity and resulting rainfall from the Indian Ocean.


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Created: 1:34 AM 3/21/2018
Last updates: 12:55 AM 8/26/2019