Romanian Boys' Clothes: Religious Faiths

Figure 1.--Here is a dinner for the children who had done their First Communuins. Thwy were in Bucarest and the ceremony was conducted during 1958. They are presumably Orthidox, but we do nit know that for sure. They seem to be of the conventional age, about 7- 8 years old.

The most important religious ceremoneues for Romanian children is baptism and first communion. All Christian children are baptised. Many subsequently do first communion. There are differences, depending on the denomination. The Orthodox Cgurch is the largest church in Romania, thus most children follow Orthodox rituals. While the Communists waged an active atheist campaign, the Orthodox Church was not totally supressed. We know that some children continued to do First Communions. We do not know, however, how common it was. Nor do we have details yet about the rituals of the different denominations. We have been unable to find information on First Communion rituals. Hopefully our Romanian readers will provide some insights.


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Created: 9:08 PM 7/10/2013
Last updated: 9:08 PM 7/10/2013