** Serbia Serbian velvet suits

Serbian Suits: Velvet Suits

Figure 1.--This postcard back portrait shows a Serbian boy, B. Terkepek, wearing a velvet short pants blouse suit in 1934. There is a white belt, but it may be a button-on outfit. He wears it with a white blouse underneath wih a large unbuttoned collar. Notice the very small bow which may be red. Clivck on the image to see the messsage on the back. The studio was Atelier Roknes. The city is not imdicated/

Velvet of course is a material, not a style. But it is a material that was used for a range of juvenile suit styles. Velvet a popular material for youngrr boy's suits. We see mostly youngr boys wearing these velvet suit styles. We note some Fauntleroy suits, done with cut-away jackets in the late -19th century. We also see some 20th century velvet suits, inclusing early-20th century that still had some Fauntleroy touches. These suits included both various jacket styles as well as what look like blouse suits. We only have a few examples at this time.


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Created: 1:48 AM 9/10/2021
Last updated: 1:49 AM 9/10/2021