Tajikistan Boys Clothes: Activities--Go Carts

Figure 1.--Here we see the Tajik boys with their go-carts in 2005. Click on the image for a closer look at the carts.

A HBC reader notes boys playing with micro go-karts. " They were big enough for one boy to sit on. The rider pushes off and enjoys a downhill run. The structure was made from four main pieces of wood and was fixed together in a triangular shape. There were four wheels. Two at the front and two at the sides. Wheels the best runners had small ex-pram wheels. The noisy and less manoverable had tiny casters. The front of the go-carts were decorated to the indivual owners taste. Some were better built than others. One big tough boy was in tears because his had broken. The wheels had come off! Of course the clothes the boys wore is also interesting. These were street urchind who came from a nearby shanti town. They were spending their Sunday afternoon go-cart racing. This was the first to the bottom of the hill. The rule was to try to stop your opponent on the way. This was achieved by crashing into him and forcing him off his go-cart. The clothes and how they are worn tell more about these free spirits than my words. They were the go-cart kings of the road. The boys call these go-carts 'tarantes' and I believe it means 'silly cart'."

William Fergusson


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Created: 2:42 AM 4/23/2005
Last updated: 2:42 AM 4/23/2005