Russian Boys' Clothes: Chronology--Modern Russia

Figure 1.--Here we see some Russian boys wearing casual clothes in 2005. The long baggy shorts popular in the West do not seem as popular in Russia.

Russian boys, since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, have begun increasingly to dress like boys in the rest of Western Europe. We do not know much about boys' styles in modern Russia. From the limited information we have, Russian boys seem to dress similarly to Wesern boys, but we note some differences. Tights seem to be commonly worn by younger boys. Also we seem to note that Russian boys are more likely to dress up and wear suits for special occassions. Casual clothing seems very vsilimar to Wesrern styles. we do not note, however, the long below the knee shorts that became popular in the West after the late 1990s. Our information, however is to limited for any valid assessments at this time.


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Created: 11:06 PM 3/23/2006
Last updated: 11:06 PM 3/23/2006