Russian Regions: Chechnya

Figure 1.--

After the disolution of the Soviet Union (1992). Russia is now much more homogeneous than was the old Soviet Union. There are, however, still some destinctive areas if Russia. The one most in the news today is Cheneya.




The Russian relationship with Chechnya is a bloody one. The relationship began with the bloody Russian conquest by Tasarist armies during the late 19th century. Further repression followed during the Soviet era, culminating in Stalin's deportation order during World War II because he believed them to be sympathetic to the NAZIs. The Chechans were eventually allowed to return as part of the de-Stalinization program. Chechan history was little known in the west until the Chechan separtist movement developed with the disolution of the Soviet Union. Chechnya' efforts to obtain independence or a degree of autonomy resulted in brutal Russian military campaigns which has gradually changed a nationalist movement into a radical Islamic campaign that have launched guerilla raids of unimaginable barbarity, often targeting pregnant women and children.



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Created: February 25, 2004
Last updated: 3:01 AM 9/19/2004