* Swiss Switzerland boys clothes folk styles holidays

Swiss Boys' Clothes: Folk Styles--Holidays

Figure 1.--Traditional costumes omSwitzerland can be worn also for religious feasts. This photograph was taken during the Corpus Christi procession in Gonten District, Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden. Thechildren all dressed up in folk costumes with bare feet.

We have some informatioin on Swiss holidays. We notice Swiss children dressing up for holidays. We are not sure hoe common this is. We do know that this includes both religious and national holidays. This deopends on both the specific hiliday and family traditions. Churches varied as to how they promoted the observatioin of religious often called feasts on the Catholic tradition. Thius including dressing up in folk costumes. Schools may have promoted the idea for the varius national holidays. We are not sure how this convention has varied over time or among the variious Swiss ethnic and religious groups. Wearing folk citumnes nay be mire common amoing the Gernan ethnic population becuse of the Volkish traditions. We think this was more commom in villages than in the cities. Hopefully Swiss readers will provide more insights.


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Created: 3:03 PM 4/25/2020
Last updated: 3:04 PM 4/25/2020