** American Girl Toys: Tea Sets

American Girl Toys: Tea Sets

Figure 1.--Another poopular girl toy is tea sets, often done in unbreakable cups and sausers, at least by the 1950s. We think having teas awas once fashisonable, even common. We are not sure that is nearly as common as in the late-19th and early-20th century. Here we see two girls having a tea oarty about 1920.

Another poopular girl toy is tea sets, often done in unbreakable cups and sausers, at least by the 1950s. We think having teas awas once fashisonable, even common. We are not sure that is nearly as common as in the late-19th and early-20th century. Or that little gurls like having tea parties any more. We susopect it is nita s common as it once was. But these tea sets were ionce a popular item for little girls. It seems to us that girl toys were not nearly as interesting as boy toys, but that comes from a male point of view. These tea sets and other girl toys just do not match up to my trusty six-shooter cap pistol. But iof course girls apparently felt the same about boy toys. This gets down to the natyre or nuture issue. There is an idea that such differences are learned rather than innate. Learned behaviors are no dount of some imprtance, but anyone who as worked with young children knows that there are very strong innate behaviors. It is difficult to see how learned behaviors could have kled little girks to enjoy tea set unless innate behaviors were at play. Little girls like to sit around and chat about their feelings. Liitle boys prefer more action. There is no anount of learned behavior that is going to make tea sets interesting to many little boys.


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Created: 9:43 PM 12/28/2021
Last updated: 9:43 PM 12/28/2021